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These are some brands
I've worked for.

Agencies:  Accenture Song (Kolle Rebbe), McCann, Contrapunto BBDO, David Miami, Scholz&Friends, Sra. Rushmore, Saatchi, Somos Experiences, Everyone Plus, Toyo.


Big 4:  Deloitte.


NGO: Amnistía Internacional, RedCross, Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, Aldeas Infantiles, Stop accidentes.


Beauty & fashion: L'Oréal, Douglas, BodyBell, Carrefour, Chilly, Somatoline, Blended, Let's turn heads.


Jewelry: San Saru. Joyería Matas.


Luxury: Pedro Gómez, Douglas for luxury brands, LaFinca Grand Café.


Food & beverage: Nestlé (Lion Cereals, Fuzetea), Coca-Cola, Mondeléz (Milka, Sour Patch Kids), Burger King, Halls, KFC, Prima, Hellmann's, Plátanos de Canarias, Two Good, Pascual.


Alcohol: González Byass (Tío Pepe, The London nº1, Beronia), Budweiser, Tres Label, Cierna, Garage Wine, Espolòn.


Automotion: Peugeot.


​Education: Colegio Nuestra Señora del Pilar (Morocco), Comparte Clase.


Editorial: Editorial Panamericana.


Energetic: E.on, Cepsa, Hamburg Energy, Iberdrola.


Healthcare: Asisa, HLA hospitals.


Gaming: Pokèmon GO.


Startups: Woodabú, Comparte Clase. multiple wine brands.


Bank/Finantial: Mastercard, Bankinter.


Phone: Vodafone, Jazztel.


Insurance: Legálitas, Asisa.


Delivery: Correos.


Tobbacco: Compañía Canariense (Moods, Al Capone, Reig), Scandinavian Tobbaco Group.


Others: Ikea, Philharmonik, Lotería de Navidad, Polo Patent.



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